For many years our determined soldiers have carried on with the grueling task of fighting the war on terror. Many strides have been made, and victories won, but unfortunately lives lost. Throughout the past ten years, Memorial Day and September 11th have served to bring Americans, a great sense of pride, as Firefighters, Policemen, and Servicemen have been recognized and honored. Our eyes swell with tears as our hearts burst with joy when we witness a soldier returning home to his loved ones.
And I'm proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
~Lee Greenwood
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
~Lee Greenwood
We did not ask for this war on terror, the terrorists beat down our doors. We do not desire to attack innocent women, children, and men. The United States of America, in response to this war on terror, has relentlessly fought to keep our country safe from acts of terror here as well as abroad. Freedom comes with a price. We enjoy the benefits of living in the land of the free because of the sacrifices that have been made to assure our liberty. As Benjamin Franklin said, "Where liberty dwells, there is my country."
As I think back over the past years concerning this war on terror, I remember a young man by the name of Pat Tillman. You can click on this link and read his story. What courage this young man had as he laid aside his dreams of being a football player with a $9.0 million dollar contract with the Arizona Cardinals, and chose to join the army along side his brother. He had paid the ultimate price for freedom when he was killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire.

This is just one of many examples of sacrifice, courage, dedication, and commitment that our American soldiers face, as they daily lay down their lives to protect our freedoms. Just as policemen are needed to stop crime, so too are our servicemen needed to stop this war on terror. We live in a free country because we have men and women who serve to protect us. If we had no laws there would be no order. What good would laws do if we had no one to enforce them? This same principle can be applied to the rights that we take for granted; "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
Why are Americans celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden? It can be summed up in one word; Patriotism!! When the terrorist plotted to bring destruction upon America, the citizens rallied together and the end result was a stronger, more steadfast commitment to Love Of Country!! Signs went up every where, God Bless America!! Students gathered around flag poles, holding hands, and praying. God Bless America!! Patriotism could be seen and felt all over the United States. Osama bin Laden, the master mind behind the evil plot of 9-11, met his fate and his death was pronounced May 1, 2011. Although this does not bring back all the lives lost on that dreadful day of September 11, 2001, it does bring some comfort in knowing that the man responsible for so much terror has finally been stopped!!!
Pat Tillman was betrayed by the US military, Pam. Just look up his mother's book. She's bitter and angry. Obviously 9/11 was terrible and I'm glad we finally got Osama. Really glad. But Iraq was a corporate bonanza that cost lots of lives for nothing... My question is why do we need war to unite as a country? Don't we have other common values? I like your blog by the way!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment.In an idealistic world there would be no need of war, but then in an idealistic world there would be no crime. Crime exists because of selfish acts and evil desires in the hearts and minds of the men and women who commit them.While reading the "Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King, Jr. there was something that leaped off the page at me: "We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." You have been a student of the law and now you are a professor, you know fully well that force is used when an individual who has broken the law does not comply. Force used by the military is no different. When corrupt men and women chose to attack and threaten the well being of a society, those individuals must be sought out, and brought to justice!!As far as the need for war to unite a country; so often when tough times hit you cling to others for comfort and support, you band together because many times there is strength in numbers,you put aside the things that separate, because you realize united we stand, divided we fall. Thanks again for reading my post and I truly do appreciate your feedback!!
My BFF cousin's lost her fiance on 911 in the twin towers . she refused to cancel the bridal party in october becuuase she kept hope that he had amensia. I remember people jumping from the twin towers in desperation. I remember a entire nation being ASKED to pray. Bin Laden hit Londan and Africa. He was a global bully. It's not a hatred, but the relief of not being bullied in the future. The fear of him is lifted. Wehad a solier visit us about 5 years ago during Christmas. He was so frustrated with not being able to tell the difference between the terrorists and the civilians. He said they would search a home, and the family was terrified and may not tell the truth if extremists were in their home. Then they would be a few homes away and hear the family being shot by the terrorists only because he just left there. He carries this guilt. -Kellt